Cigar enthusiasts will love Cigarfest! This vibrant and energetic festival happens in May and is a haven for cigar enthusiasts. Watch how the Poconos comes alive and transforms into a bustling hub of excitement and camaraderie.
The Cigarfest Expo
Hosted by Cigars International, Cigarfest welcomes over 6,000 guests annually to indulge in the rich art and flavor of global cigars. Come celebrate the cigar industry’s finest offerings and interact with some of the biggest names in the field! Held at the Split Rock Resort in Lake Harmony, the expo is nestled in a picturesque setting for this extraordinary event.
You’ll be treated to a wealth of experiences beyond just cigar sampling. As a ticket holder, you receive access to raffles, live music, and tastings of fine wines and beers. Tap into this treasure trove of information and entertainment. Don’t forget to pick up your swag bag with cigars and other related goodies.
Five Days of Cigar Bliss
Spanning Wednesday through Sunday, the festival is not limited to the expo. Renowned sponsors from the cigar world host their own events, adding layers of excitement to the festival. Blend your love of cigars with your love of golf at the golf tournament hosted at the Split Rock Country Club.
The neighboring stores celebrating CigarFest offer you sales and samples. As the day winds down, head over to the Keystone Ballroom becomes the venue for an elegant Cigarfest dinner, where you can wine, dine, and socialize, as you reflect on your day of cigar-fueled adventures.
A Relaxing Retreat
If you love cigars, then visiting Cigarfest in the Poconos is something you need to add to your itinerary. Get your tickets ahead of time and get ready to experience the joys of cigar culture, the excitement of live entertainment, and the beauty of the Poconos in spring. Whether you’re a cigar aficionado or simply seeking a unique festival experience, Cigarfest promises a delightful blend of relaxation and excitement.
If you’re planning to attend Cigarfest, consider a stress-free stay near Lake Harmony. Stay central to the excitement of Cigarfest with a rental provided by Pocono Mountain Rentals. Pocono Mountain Rentals is excited to offer you a selection of beautiful vacation homes, ensuring you’ll be close to the expo while staying in a comfortable and luxurious cabin rental. These properties are the ideal retreat after a day of cigar exploration and festivities. Reach out to Pocono Mountain Rentals today for more information.